We gratefully acknowledge our generous donors and sponsors for their essential support and leadership.
Lead Festival Sponsor

Brit d’Arbeloff
Pioneering Engineer and Advocate for Women and the Arts
Brit J. d’Arbeloff is a Life Member Emerita of the MIT Corporation and serves on the board of directors of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research. After being the first woman to earn an engineering degree from Stanford University and earning a MS from MIT, d’Arbeloff worked in a variety of pioneering industries, contributing to the design of the Redstone Missile during the space race before programming software for Digital Equipment Corporation and Teradyne, Inc., founded by her late husband Alexander V. d’Arbeloff. Mr. d’Arbeloff served as chairman on the MIT Corporation and member of the Board of Trustees of both Mass General Hospital and Partners HealthCare. In addition to the Whitehead Institute and MIT, d’Arbeloff serves on the board of directors for Rogerson Communities, the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum and is a trustee emerita of the Boston Museum of Science. An activist for women in engineering, she has balanced career, family, and volunteering. From 1964 to 1974, she took a career break to have four children, but she then returned to work as a programmer and systems analyst for a software firm that was soon acquired by Teradyne. After a stint there and five years co-managing a clothing boutique, she retired in 1990 to write fiction, volunteer, and stay close to her children and grandchildren.
Brit has taken her advocacy for women and love of the arts to her work with the Catalyst Collaborative @ MIT and Central Square Theater. An avid reader and theater enthusiast, Brit has made it possible for CST to showcase historic female scientists and gather contemporary women together to wrangle with the issues that still plague our gender even today.
Festival Sponsors
Council for the Arts at MIT
Philip Koury, Office of the Associate Provost with Responsibility for the Arts
Y. Kim in memory of Mr. & Mrs. I. H. Kim
National Endowment for the Arts
Northeastern University
The Boston Foundation
Organization Sponsors
Central Square Theater Board of Directors
Sallie Adams
Allison Coleman
Mary Dill
Elizabeth Baldwin
Betsy Bard
Jill Burrows
Brian Corr
Subrata Das
Lee Mikeska Gardner
Betsy Groban
Jane Minasian
Carolyn Mugar
Arlo Perez
Laura Roberts
Simar Singh
Jeffery Song
Melanie Wallace
Debra Wise
Catalyst Collaborative@MIT Advisory Board
Deborah Blum
Alan Brody
Claude Canazares
Catherine Carr Kelly
Robert Desimone
John Durant
Jerome Friedman
Lee Mikeska Gardner
Owen Gingerich
Alan Guth
Robert Jaffe
David Kaiser
Philip Khoury
Leila Kinney
Natalie Kuldell
Alan Lightman
Irene Porro
Bob Scanlan
Allison Schneider
Janet Sonenberg
Melanie Wallace
Jason Weeks
Debra Wise
With 50+ combined years focused on social justice, the feminine perspective, and science in theater at Central Square Theater, Art is Our Activism. CST creates theater where points of view are heard, perspective shifts, and change can happen. The following generous donors made possible the programs and operations of Central Square Theater over the past year (March 1, 2020- March 1, 2021). For more information, or to become a Central Square Theater donor, please contact Maggie Moore Abdow at 617.576.9278 x208 or mma@centralsquaretheater.org.
Phyllis Abend
J. Dinsmore Adams & Nancy Hopkins
Sallie B. Adams
Christine Agnitti
Martha Ahrens
Dr. Kamesh Aiyer & Geeta Aiyer
David Albert
Marlene H Alderman
Robert and Marie Alessi
Jane Allard
Arthur Allen
Deborah Alsebai
Susan Altman
Cathleen Ambrose
Janet Amphlett
Margaret Amster
Jamie Anastas
Amy Anderson
John Anderson
Alan Applebaum
Paula Apsell
Christina Arabadjis
Dorothy Aram
Marie Ariel
Derrick Arnelle
Austin Arnold
Sally Arnold
Jane Arsham
Sharon Ashe
Noah Augustine
Michael & Torgun Austin
Janet Axelrod and Tim Plenk
Jeannine Ayotte
Angela Ayre
Carla Azuakolam
Eric Baatz
Susan Backus
Leah Bagas
Kirby Baker
Kristin Baker
Elizabeth Baldwin
MIchael Ball
John Ballantine
Jayanti Bandyopadhyay
Neil Banerjee
Lois Banta
Betsy & Joel Bard
Natalia Bard
Cynthia Bargar & Nick Thorkelson
Dena Barisano
Joyce Barkin
Dinah Barlow
Arlene Barnard
Michael & George Barnett
Heather Barney
Jeffrey Baron
Kelsey Barowich
Joseph Barr
Judith & James Barr
Margaret Barrett
John Barry
Paula Barta & William Lee Roberts
Gregory Bartlett
Marianna Bassham
Kristin Bastoni
Renee Beard
Diana Beaudoin
Barbara Beaudoin
Tom Beaulieu
Zahra A. Belyea
Sally Benbasset & Steve Miller
Durward Benham
Amy Benjamin
Neil Benjamin
Erin Bennett
Paula Bennett
Deborah Benson & Frederic Marx
Jill Berg
Dorothy Bergold
Ann Berman
Jonas J Berman
Fern Beschler
Claire Helena Byers
Rahul Bhargava
Pragati Bhowmick
Majka Maciak and Bob Binstock
Wendy Bivens
Rebecca Blackburn
L.Blacklow & P.Fougere
Linda Blade
Mary Blagdon
Carlee Blamphin
Leslie and Bob Blank
Marty Blatt & Betty Munson
Sarah Blodgett
Debora Bloom
Emily Bloomenthal
Deborah Blum and Peter Haugen
Ellen Blumenthal
Edward Boesel
Joshua Boger
Bryn Boice and Michael Poignand
Stanley Bolotin
Meg A Bond
Patricia Bonnet
Marcia Booth
Tynika Booth
Adrienne Boris
Alice Bouvrie
Harolyn Bowden
James Bowen
Rhys Bowen & Rebecca Snow
Gail Bowlds
Stephen Bowman
Charles Boyce
Cynthia Bradley
Margaret Brady
Angela Bragg
Grace Brakeman
Louise Bray
Belle Brett
Linda Brion-Meisels
Bari Brodsky
Alan & Paula Brody
Dena Feldstein & Ed Brody
Sue Brody
Laura Brooks
Marilyn Brookwood
Elizabeth W. Brown
Matilda Bruckner
Cassie Bryan
Deidre Bryan
John Bryan
Jennifer Bubriski
Julie Buck
Paul & Patricia Buddenhagen
David Bullock
Jennifer Bump
Bernice Buresh
Kathryn Burke
Lois Burke
Jason Burns
Zoe Boucher & Christopher Burns
Jill Burrows
Carolyn Butler
Claire Helena Byers
Will Cabell
Donna Campbell
Mary Baine Campbell
Jim Campen & Phyllis Ewen
Donna Cantillo
Jeffrey & Patricia Cantor Petrucelly
William Canty
Rebecca Carazza
Emily Carlson
Catherine Carr Kelly
Michelle Carter
Julia Cash
Renee Caso
Jennifer Cataldo
Cekala Family
Laura Maria Censabella
Ralph Chadis
Judith Chaffee
Keith, Lexa, Julia Champoux
Jacqueline Chang
Wendy Chao
Phil & Jean Chapados
Robert and Kristine Chapados
Jane Chapman
Elinore Charlton
Mimi Chong
Pauline lucille Chretien
Joan Christison-Lagay
Andrea and Jon Clardy
Jane Clark
Jonathan Clark
Linda Clark
Stephanie Clayman
Downing Cless & Alice Trexler
Theresa Cloutier
Susan Cnudde
Rachael V. Cobb
Brooksany Coe
Don & Helen Cohen
Larry Cohen and Susan Worst
Dr. Maru Colbert
Alison Coleman
Kaylene Coleman
Susan Collings
Kristin Collins
Judith Coltman
Nancy Kindelan Combs & Charles Combs
Nancy Connelly
Talia Connelly
Adam Conner-Simons
Mark Connors
Ellen Cooper
Tom Cooper
Brian Corr
Tanya Cosway
Rebecca Backman & Stephen Cotton
Nancy Cottrill
Joel Couch
Stephanie Couch
Cori Couture
Jeremy Cowham
Lori Cowles
Shannon Coyle
David Craig
J. Scott Craig
Jeremy and Jennifer Cramer
Sarah Craver
Brianne Crocker
Fran Cronin
Merce Crosas
George R Cross & Ellen R Foxman
Ian Crowley
Harold S. Crowley, Jr.
Allison Crump & David Salomon
Constance Crump
Siobhan Cunningham
Guido Cuperus
Grace Curley
Lauren Curry
Charles Curtis
Anne Cushman
Carla D’Avanzo
Matt Damon
Jessica Daniels & Paul Blackborow
Hannah Dardashti
Claudia Darrow
Subrata & Janique Das
Adele Daughenbaugh
Roslind Davidson
Rosalind Davidson
Catherine Davidson-Hall
Lori Davis
Raym de Ris & Donna Reed
Elad Deiss-Yehiely
Margarita Dekoli
Inigo del Portillo
Mary Demello
Michael Denisenko
Margaret DePopolo
Jon Deveaux
William and Dorothy DeVoti
Herman Deweerd
Shaumba-Yandje Dibinga
Laura Dickinson
Mary Dill
Ruth Dinerman
Roberta Dinsmore
Sara Dion
Estelle Disch
Paul Dixon
Janet Domenitz
Jack Donahue
Sheila Donahue
William Donaldson
Karen Dorhamer-Fadden
Meghan Dorian
Deborah Douglas
Andrea V. Doukas & Richard H. Behrman
Richard Dower
Bob & Susanne Doyle
Ayoka Drake
Katherine Drexel
Kitty Drexel
Elizabeth Driehaus
Jana & Peter Dublin
Sonali Duggal
Julie Duncan
Deanna Dunmyer
Alice Dunn
thomas dunn
Jennifer Dunning
Zach & Willis Durant-Emmons
Kiran Marjorie Easterbrook
Richard Eckaus
Lucie Prinz
William Edelson
Lauren Elias
Elaine Elliot
Angela Ellis
Amy Zell Ellsworth
Andrew Elnatan
Laura and Madeleine, in honor of Dr. Robert Ziegler
Kelly Epstein
Judith Braha and Richard Fisher
Ruth Erickson
Sumru Erkut
Corine Espinoza
Jane Evans
Ryan Evans
Jinny Ewald
Julia & Lansing Fair
Ruth Faris
Charlie Farison
Marjorie Farrell
Robin & Paul Fast
Elizabeth Fay
Ross Feldberg
Ellen Feldman
Katie Feldman
Gordon Fellman
Laurie Ferhani
Mitchison/Field Family
Robert Field
Lloyd & Janet Fillion
Norma Finkelstein
Dennis and Rona Fischman
Susan Fisher & Gordon Lee
Tish Davis and Dan Fisher
Carol L Fishman
Lori Fitz
Andrea Fitzgerald
Deborah Fitzgerald
Shirley Fitzgerald
Susan Fleischmann
Liz Flint-Somerville
Andres Florez
Catherine Foley
Ann Fonte
Kaitlin Forcier
Susan Ford
Donald and Marjorie Forte
Deborah Lake Fortson in memory of Margaret Agnew Fortson
David Foss & Susan Julien
Judith Foster
Ena Fox
Ellen Foxman
David Fram
Benjamin Francis
Julio Franco
Mary M. French
Robert French
Eugene Freuder & Pamela Friedman
Friedman Family
Jerome & Tania Friedman
David Fristrom
George W. Frode
Shanti Fry
Bernard Fuller
Sandra Galejs & Peter Warren
Julia Gallagher
Sarah Gallivan
Vikas Gampa
Amanda Gann
Anne and Bill Gardiner
Lauren Garlick
Alan Garman
Rhonda Garvin Conaway
Sarah M. Gates
David Gaylin
Michael and Marcy Scott-Morton
Margaret Gelin
Ellen and Christopher George
Leta Georgiopoulos
Linda Gershman
Jane Getter
Arthur Giacomarra
Martha Gibbs
Robin Gibbs
Christie Gibson & Michael Emanuel
Temple Gill & Christopher R. Yens
Wendy Gillenson
Frank Gillett
Michael & Marie Giorgetti
Jean & Dena Glasgow
Marilyn Glater
Karen Glover
Sharon & David White
Ellen Godena
Jessica Going
Michaela Gold
Andrea Golden & John McManus
Carol Goldfarb
Eve Goldfarb
Michaela Goldhaber
Susan E Goldin
Helen Golding & Michael Schwartz
Jane Goldman
Elan Gombart
Si Si Nyunt Goneconto
Ashley Gonik
Marie Gonsalo
Donald Gonson
Michael Lev & Julie Goodman
Will Gordon
Carolyn Gorka
Cynthia Graber
the fortunate ones
Ashley Gray
Jo Gray
Nancy Gray
Malaika Green
Margie Greenberg
Brian Greene
Claire Greene
Donald Greenstein
Carol Greenwald
Grace Gregor
Garth & Lindsay Greimann
Eugene D. Straussberg
Nancy Grissom
Betsy Groban
Hilary Groban
Irene Groban
Nora Grodzins
John and Nancy Grohol
Nancy Grohol
Liz Gross
Stefan Gross
Barbara & Steve Grossman
Matisse Michalski
Marah Gubar
Maya Gunther
Shaili Gupta
Susan & Alan Guth
Belinda Haaland
Susan Larson & Jim Haber
Beth Hadley
Gordon Haff
Laura Hagopian
Kit Haines
Wendy & Chris
Grace Hall
Lynne Hall
Jennifer Hall-Witt
Abby Rockefeller & Lee Halprin
Kimball Halsey
Susan & Margaret Haltmaier
Pam Haltom & Harry Irwin
Leah Hamilton French
Marcia Hamley
James Hammerman
W. Easley & Suzanne Hamner
Sarah Hancock
Michael Hand
Rita Haney
T Hansen
John Hardin
Kimberly Harding & Joshua Bernoff
Elizabeth Hardy
Joel Hariton & Jeanne Pickering
G. Neil & Anne Harper
David Harris
Corbin Harwood
Naomi Hashimoto
Mary Haskell
Sally Haslanger
Greg Haungs
Aaron Hauptman
Roberta Hayes-Bautista
Jason Healy
Maxwell Heath
Stuart Hecht
Inez Hedges
Lizbeth Hedstrom
Alexandra Heinz
Lila Heller
Martha Heller
Eric Helmuth
Willy Hennigan
David Herder
Liza Herron
Roma Hertel
Ellen Hertzmark
Ken & Mary Hettinger
Peter Robert Hewitt
Judy Hikes
Susan Hine
Carole Hirsch
Hoffer Herrmann
Ella Hoffman & Jakob Engel
Max & Charlotte
Paul Hoffman
Sarah Hoffman
Ann D Hofmann
Margaret & William Holland
Meg Holland
Lauren Holleran
Duncan Hollomon
Jean Holmblad
Ellen Honnet
James Hook & Wen Chyi Shyu
Hilary Hopkins
Meghan Hornblower
Ellen Hornig
Fariba Houman and Bruce Petschek
Judy Housman
Carolyn Howe
Rajan Hoyle
Kathy Hsieh
Daniel Hudgens
Jeffrey Hughes & Nancy Stauffer
Marie and Pierre Humblet
Jean Humez
Daniel Hunter
Susan Hunziker
Shirley and Chuck Hurwitz
Charlene and Charles Hyle
Neil Immerman
Lindsay Irwin
Nancy Ishihara
Jane Jackson & David Bonner
Jean Jackson, in memory of Louis Kampf
Marie-Louise Jackson-Miller
Diane Bailey & Robert Jaffe
Susan James
Deborah Jameson
Edward & Evelyn Jenney
Seung Hee Jeon
Christian Jepsen
David Jiles
Anthony Jimenez
Gao Jing
Heeyoung Jo
Chuck Johnson
Dr Lloyd Sheldon Johnson
Emily Johnson
Caroline Jones & Peter Galison
Jason Jones
Ron Joseph
Susan Jureidini
Bob Kagan & Susan Barron
David Wittenberg & Cynthia Kagno
David Kahn
Ruth Kahn
Susan Kaim
Delphine Kaiser
Deborah Kalin
Jane Kamine
Herbert Kamowitz
Louis Kampf
Ilene Kantrov
Sandra Kassin-Deardorff
Hilary Kassler
Edward & Marcia Katz
Michael Katz
Janet Kawada
Ted Kearnan
Kristina Kehrer
Shannon Keith
David Kelleher
Joanne Kelleher
Margaret & Thomas Kelleher
Maureen Kelleher
Yvette Keller
Martine Kellett
Kathy Kelley
Rebecca Kellogg
Anne Kelly
Eileen & Daniel Kelly
Tyler Kemp-Benedict
Michele Kennedy
Joyce Ketcham
Reema Khan
Anne Khudari
Thomas Kiely
Ian Kilburn
Susan Kim
Cara King
Jerry Flannelly & Dori King
Leila W Kinney
Stephen & Marianne Kinzer
Christopher Kitchen
Jonathan & Amy Klein
Liliane Klein
Thelma Klein
Elizabeth Kline
Nancy Carlsson-Paige & Doug Kline
Joanne Klys
Braden Knight
Tiffany Knight
Bharati Kochar
Rachel Koebler
Daniel Koff
Janet Kolodner
Lorie Komlyn
Kelvyn Koning
Katharine & Richard Kosinski
Timothy Koski
Elaine Koury
MIT School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
Алексей Ковалёв
Ellen Kranzer
Eric J. Krupka
Stephen Kuehler
Natalie & Scott Kuldell
Heidi Kummer
Katheryn Kunkel
Alexander Kupers
Mitzi Kuroda & Stephen Elledge
Jo Hanna Kurth
Joe Kusters
Kara L’Italien
Anne Marie La Bue
John Labarre
Mary LaClair
Johanna Lamb In appreciation of Mary Dill
Michelle Lamb
Joan Lancourt
Susan Landau & Neil Immerman
Eric & Lori Lander
Wendy Landman
Lisa Landsverk
David Langseth
James Lapierre
Rebecca Larson
Liana Laughlin
James and Bonnie Lawton
Ginger Lazarus
Katherine Le Lacheur
Sarah Leaf-Herrmann
Stephen J Leahy
Amelia LeClair
Jennifer Leclerc
Byron Lee
Mary Leen
Sylvie LeGall
Jessie Mae Leger
David Lehman
Gloria Leipzig
Susan Leland
Gail Leonard-Wright
Deobrah Levey & Crispin Weinberg
Gary Goldstein & Diane Levin
Martin Levin
Daniele Levine
Beth Levow
Sarah Levy
Susan Lewinnek
David Lewis
Eliza Lewis
Jaqueline Li
Tonatiuh Lievano
Michele Liguori
Wendy Linden
Danica Liongson
Courtney Liscio
Frances Littell
Margaret Lo
Meredith Lobel
Charles Lobron
Bette Lotterman
Margaret Lourie
Kenneth Loveday
Anne Lowell
Chris Lowey
Debra Wise
Joy Lucas
Monica Luke
Lucky Dog Too
Christine Lull
Ruth Lyddy
Peggy Lynch
Sandra & David Lyons
Mary MacDonald
Eileen MacDougall
Jeanne Maciel
Kristin & John Macomber
Allison Madden
Valentine Talland & Nagesh Mahanthappa
Olive Malcolm,
Karen Malme
Shari Malyn & Jonathan Abbott
Mavis Manaloto
Zid Mancenido
Marlene Mandel
Richard & Candace Mandel
Raffi Mardirosian
Diane Margolis
Leona Markiewicz
Meaghan Markiewicz
Marcia & Heath Marlow
Victoria Marsh
Barbara Martin
Diane M. Martin
Mads Massey
Len Matheo
Anil Matta
Allison Matthews
Anne Matthews
Darlene Matthews
David Matz
Beverly MawnLion
Douglas Mayo-Wells
Jennifer McBride
Sharon McBride
Jackie McCarthy
John & Anne McCormack
Jody McDonough
john Mccgannon
William McGarrahan
Marc McGovern
R Daniel Mcgrath
Damhnait McHugh, Pat and Nora Reynolds
Margaret Mckenna
Diane McLaughlin
Maggie McNally
Margaret McPartland
Kate McQuaid
Marilyn McSweeney
Lynn McWhood
Risa Mednick & David Hildum
W. Scott Meeks
Christian Mendoza
Deirdre Menoyo
Amy Merrill
Uriel Meshoulam
George & Jane Metzger
Debra Meyer
Heidi Meyer
Sydney Meyers
Rosalind Michahelles
Brian Onie Milder
Ann Miller
Annette & Michael Miller
David Miller
Diane Miller
Myron Miller
James Bakalar & Susan Milmoe
Jane Minasian & J. Grant Monahon
Jessica Mink
Don Mitchell
Donald Mitchell
Katalin Mitchell
Penny Mitchell
Laurie Mokriski
Luke Molloy
Charles Maloney
Davron Monroe
Alchemy Foundation
Margaret Moody and Charles Lin
Alice Moore
andrew moore
Henry Kay.Goodman
Meredith Moore
Maggie Moore Abdow
Amey Moot
Douglas Morgan
Catherine Morris
Judith Morse
Kristin Mortimer
Joanne C Moses
Ronald Moulton
John & Lucia Mudd
Sarah Muirhead
Sseziwa Mukasa
Betty Munson
Jane Murphy
Barbara Murphy-Warrington
Lucy Murray-Brown
Kristina Muskiewicz
Karen Mutch-Jones
Samuel Myers
Susan Mygatt
Roxanna Myhrum
Mariana Nacht
Uli Nagel
Meg Nagle
Masuma Naqwe
Judith Nathans
Jim Neely
Gail Neff
Curtis Nelson
Heather Nelson & Larry Kolodney
Karen Nelson
Marianne Nelson
Paul Neumann
Ryan Newberry & Deirdre Callahan
Marjorie Nichols
Raymond Nied
Karen Norberg
Diane & Charley Norris
Tom Norris
Mary O’Beirne
Patrick O’Connell
Dana Dilworth & Joe O’Donnell
Carol B. O’Hare
Laurie O’Reilly
Patrick O’Shea
Beatrice Oakley
Margaret & Stephen Ober
Nili Olay
Shelley Oleksy
Tim Fulham & Lise Olney
Debra Olshever
Susan Orlando
Christopher Orth
R. Bevred Ouellette
Maurice D. Palmer
Sarah Lummus & Dan Paradis
Maurice Parent
Paige Parisi
Kevin W Parker
Patricia Parker
Cecilia Parteleno
Gary Partenheimer
Lowell Partridge
Bob Pascucci
Eva Patalas
Joel Patterson
Josephine Patterson
Jule Pattison-Gordon
Cleola Payne
Allison Penn
Janet Penn
Martha A. Penzer
Penelope Peoples
Mary Perez
Wendy Perez
Fredda Peritz
Janet Perkins-Howland
Kathryn Perrin
Joy Perry
Sarah Peters
Catherine Peterson
Janice & Roger Peterson
Rachael Peterson
John Petrowsky
Bruce Petschek
Herbert Gish & Alfreda Piecuch
Patricia Pierce
Octavia Pinckney
Jacqueline Piret and Joe Sullivan
Johanna Pittman
Alan Pollack
Warren Brown & Rebecca Pontikes
Lia G. Poorvu
Irene Porro
Madison Porter
Pier Porter
Kathryn Portle
Nathan Post
Julie Poullet
William & Helen Pounds
Margaret Pratt
Wendy Prellwitz
Mary Prothero
Janis Laura Puibello
Victoria Pulos
Rida Qadri
Helene Quinn
Joseph Quinn
Quinn Averill
Nadyeli Quiroz
Gordana Rabrenovic
Kelli Rader
Plachikkat Radha
Helen Raizen
Joseph Rajkowski
Ravi & Meena Ramamurti
Trinidad Ramkissoon
Elise & Marc Randazzo
Emily Zoe Randolph Silva
Ratan Rego
Martina Raue
Barbara Ravage
Helaine Razovsky
Ann Read
Wendy Reasenberg
Jim Rebitzer and Kathleen Engel
George Reed
Eric Reesman
Ratan Rego
Brian & Sheila Rehrig
Jenna Rehrig
Beverly Reifman
Claire Reinelt
Ann & David Reisen
Melanie Renaud
Lis Rhodes
Marla Rhodes
Mimi Rhys
Michael P. Ricca
Eric Richard
Nancy & Scott Richmond
Kathryn Riel
Cilicia Rios
Patrick Rivelli
Ann Rizzo
Mary Rizzuto
Arnold Robbins, M.D.
Ilyse Robbins and Glen Mohr
Liz & Fred Robbins
Suzanne Robblee
Natalie Roberge
Jon Roberts
Chris Robinson
Rebecca Robinson
Thomas Roby
Bill Harris & Terry Rockefeller
Anthony Rogers
Maureen Rogers
Cynthia Rohrbeck
Emily Romney
Tina Rose
Jean Rosenberg
Larry Rosenberg
Daniel Ross
Deborah Roth
Jodi Rothe
Andee Rubin
Michal Rubin
Domenic Ruccio
Marliana Rufo
Leah Rugen & Anthony Boral
John Running
Lois Russell
Valerie Russell
A. E. Ryan
Kristen Rybicki
David J Salomon
Richard and Vardit Samuels
R. N. Sandberg, V. A. Zakian
Jill M Sandeen
Wes Sanders
Wendy Sanford & Polly Atwood
Cheryl Santee
Sunanda Sanyal
Marina Sartori
Judith Saryan & Victor Zarougian
Michele Sasmor
Carol Hollingsyard & William Saunders
Carolyn Saxon-Ruccio
John Scalisi in memory of Mary Loden
Noah Schaffer
Richard Schaffer
Elisabeth Schainker
Judith and Michael Schatz
Abigail Schiff
Gordy Schiff & Mardge Cohen
Robert & Katherine Schneider
Ellen Schon
Elly Schottman
Elizabeth Schraft
Shelley Schribman
Andrew Schulert
Daniel Schwartz
Francesco Sciortino
Francesco Sciortino & Beth Hadley
Barbara Scolnick
Harriett Scott
Stephen Scully
Elizabeth Searle
David Seeman
Lynda Sefton
Grace and Marcel Seiler
Noelle Selin
Chris Selland
Linda and Joe Senecal
Juan Jose Seoane
Audrey Seraphin
Vinod Seraphin
Renee Shapiro
Jeb Sharp
Jim & Debby Stein Sharpe
Theodore Shasta
Heidi Shear
Sue Sheffler
Laurie Sherman
Zoe Sherman and Chris Kendig
Marina Shershen
Richard & Naomi Shore
Clyde Shorey
Nathan Shumway
Adam Shyevitch
Vivian Siegel and Jacob Siegel Zeserson
Rick Silberman
Frederick and Jane Sillman
Candelaria Silva-Collins
Nanette Simenas
The Porch
Ellen Simons
Gary & Barbara Simundza
Phoebe Sinclair
Simar Singh
Laura Sitterley
Ellen and Jay Sklar
Saul Slapikoff
Anne Smagorinsky
Laura Smeaton
Scott Sminkey
Melissa Smith
Carol Smith
Jacqui Smith
William J. Smith
Lanier Smythe
Kate Snodgrass
Catherine Snow & Michael Baum
Erin Solomon
Dr. Elizabeth Sommers
Aneesa Sonawalla
Jeffrey J. Song
Mercedes Soto
Vera Spohr
Michele Sprengnether
Anne St Goar & Shippen Page
J Stallone Realty Group
Stephen Steadman
Martha Stearns
Ronald Steese
Priscilla Stein
Beatrice Steinberg
Alan Alpert & Ricky Stern
Alison Stern-Dunyak
Ann Stewart
Cynthia Stewart
Lawrence Stifler & Mary McFadden
David and Carol Stollar
William & Nan Stone
April Stone
Margaret Stone
Rosi & Brian Amador
Diane Rubin & Andrew Strassman
Alan Strauss
David Strauss
Eugene D. Straussberg
Glenn & Katherine Strehle
Maria Suarez
Cheryl Suchors
Joan & Herman Suit
Hannah Sukonick
Laura Sullivan
Anna Swan & Jim Kaufamn
Judith Swartwood
Emily Swiatek
Wendell Sykes & Betsy Constantine
Ildiko Szabo
Maya Talwar-Hebert
Karin Tate
Martha Taub
Peter & Charlotte Temin
William Tenney
Stacie Simon & Hal Tepfer
Donald Tesiero
Bess Thaler
Chris Thayer
James Therrien
Donald thieme
Aditya Thomas
Viola Thomas
David Chosiad & Paula Thompson
Susan Thompson
Sarah Thorne
Jessica Thornton
Janet Tiampo
Cornelia Tierney
Sean Tierney
Lisa Tieszen
Theresa A. Tobin
Susan A Todd
Maria Toledo Manrique
The Tomasulos
Michelle Tomlinson
Daniel Toner
David & Elizabeth Torrey
Torrey Family
Lucille Traina
Joel Tranum & Catherine Seiorsen
Madison Trapkin
James Travers
Juris Treibergs, MD
Anne Tresansky
Marina Trestin
Mindy Tsai
Nina Tumarkin
Bobbie Tunnard
Sonia Turek
Sherry Turkle
Tea Taggart & Jack Turner
Lisa Ullman
Carissa Unger
Gladys Unger
Janet Van Zandt
Mary Vanderwicken
Constance Vecchione
Cameron Weaver Vilain
Libby Villari
Anna Waldman-Brown
Jim Wallace
Melanie A. Wallace
George Walmsley
Jean Walsh & Graham Davies
Rosemary Walton
Mary Wasmuth
Emma Watt
Jared Watterworth
Cheryl Weber-Mattes & Alan Mattes
Bonnie and Any Weigl
Peter Weiler
Elizabeth Weinbloom
Helen Weingart
Dorothy Weitzman
Margot Welch
Cynthia Wentz
Denise Wernikoff
Kathleen Westervelt
Geraldine Whalen
William Wharton
Jerry Wheelock & Elizabeth Wood
Ruka White
Ruth Rotundo Whitney
Allen Wiegner
Hanna Wilder
Jo Will
Gail & Walter Willett
Jane Williams
Cynthia Williams
Marshall Williams
Michael Williams
Pace Willsson
Barbara Wilson
Jane Wilson
Jennifer Wilson
Judy Wilson
Matt Wilson
Joshua Winer
Andy Wise & Jen Lanoff
David Wise and Dianna Niebylski
Susan Pettee & Michael Wise
Veronica Wiseman
Steve Wishengrad
Kathleen Wittman
Jack Wofford and Michael Lucido
Kyle Wolfe
Carolyn V. Wood
Richard Wood
Burns Woodward, MD
Janet Worley
Sheli & Henry Wortis
Gina Wright & Family
Kathryn Wright
Rachel Wyon
Phyllis Yale
Angela Yang
Yaoyu Yang
Susan Yanow & Phillip Sego
Joon Yoo
David M. Young
Adam Zahler
Joan Zahorjan
Jennifer Zarcone
Robert Zevin
Sirad Foundation
Quinton Zondervan & Radhika Nagpal
Naomi Zuckerman
Gail Zunz
Augustine Zvinavashe
Tiny Tiger Foundation
The Birch Point Fund
The Carl and Ruth Shapiro Family Foundation
The Daughter’s Fund
The Margret & H.A. Rey Curious George Fund
Massachusetts Rivers Allicance, Inc.