The Brit d’Arbeloff Women & Science Theater Festival is a month-long Festival of virtual performances, panels and special events at the intersection of art and science. The Theater Festival is the brainchild of Catalyst Collaborative@MIT at Central Square Theater, the nation’s oldest ongoing partnership between a professional theater company and a world-class research institution. The Festival was created to amplify voices underrepresented in science (women, BIPOC/Black, Indigenous, people of color), promote mentoring opportunities, encourage engagement in science for audiences and artists, and to form a national network of theaters engaged in science.
Social Justice. Science. Sexual Politics.
Central Square Theater (CST), is dedicated to the exploration of social justice, science and sexual politics through theater; catalyzing the dynamic synergies sparked by the collaboration between The Nora and Underground Railway. Through award-winning productions, the Catalyst Collaborative@MIT Science Theater Initiative, and youth development programming – CST creates theater where points of view are heard, perspective shifts, and change can happen.

There are two things that are true about living in this time and region:
we are among the brightest scientific minds in the world and the distance between science and the essential questions of our humanity grows shorter every day.
Catalyst Collaborative@MIT, a collaboration between Central Square Theater and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is the nation’s only on-going partnership between a professional theater company and a world-class research institution. Each season, Underground Railway or The Nora produces at least one play that opens the door between art and science and pushes us to expand our vision of the future, framed by real-time encounters with scientists who are changing our world.